Medical Care & Equipment
Global Specialist Medical Solutions for Organisations Around the World.
Our medical support services exist to advise and prevent any incident or situation occurring, that could threaten the wellbeing of our clients. However, our medical support is defined by ultimately being able to deliver the best possible care and equipment, should the worst happen.
We want our clients to know that everything will be prepared for and everything will done, to reach a positive outcome, in all such incidents and medical emergencies, while operating anywhere in the world.
Global Crisis Response
Our Crisis Management & Emergency Response service provides a dedicated global crisis management and response solution, that deploys to incidents and situations at any time around the globe.
Our global Crisis Response operations are managed through our crisis and operations management team and supported by our operations centre based in the UK, further supported by our network of international field-based operational teams.
We support operations across six continents, supporting our client's global interests in a broad range of industries, market sectors and private capacities.
Medical Care &

AG Medical Solutions personnel, are extremely qualified and experienced in giving medical care and support, in some of the most challenging places around the world and have all been selected for their expertise in their chosen professional fields. We provide remote advisory services and 'on-the-ground' support, from clinicians including;
- Medics (FPOSI / FREC Level 3 / MIRA)
- Paramedics (BSc, HCPC registered)
- Nurses (NMC registered)
- Field medics (Off-Shore Medic HSE, Remote Paramedic/Industry Medic)
- Trauma doctors (NHS Emergency Medicine, GMC registered, HEMS)
- General practitioners (NHS, GMC registered)
- Specialist medical practitioners (anaesthetics, emergency medicine, general medicine, general surgery, paediatrics, psychiatry, trauma and orthopaedics)
medical solutions
Global medical risk management, support and care around the world
we help protect your staff around the globe
Global medical support locations
Medical Risk
Global medical risk management and planning
Global medical support for organisations and staff
Medical advice from medical experts
Medical Care
Medical care for staff travelling or stationed abroad
Medical equipment from first aid to specialist care
Bespoke pre-travel and
in-country medical training for staff and personnel
Call us today to find out how we can support you with our Global Medical Solutions

Global Medical Operations
Medical Risk Assessments & Planning
High-Level Medical Cover & Support
Remote Clinical Advice Services
Crisis Management
Clinical Governance
Overseas business
Oil, Gas & Mining Projects
De-Mining Projects
Natural disasters / rescue services
Media organisations / correspondents